Monday, December 10, 2018


Piera Cortés is a second-year psychology student at the University of Chile. She is currently finishing his fourth semester. She is 20 years old, is single and does not practice any religion, she is said to be an atheist. Her interests within psychology are research in cognitive neurosciences. She previously studied at the Desirée high school in the district of Colina where she currently lives. Her skills as well as good memory and reading comprehension are his artistic qualities.
Among her hobbies are playing instruments such as keyboard, viola and ocarina. In addition to being interested in sports such as athletics. Other of her more artistic hobbies are drawing and painting with different techniques. Another hobby that she has is to make costumes for cosplays and participate in events wearing these particular clothes
For her third year at the university she plans to participate in the assistantships of neurophysiology and psychological systems and theories. Her performance in her career is regular, however she is responsible and interested in participating always, she has passed all her branches with good averages. Finally mention that in addition to perform in the career she is currently studying also have other interests somewhat disconnected from this as are the design of clothing, arts, music and massage therapy. These are of your interest for the skills you already have in these areas which you would like to improve and apply professionally in your life. The theme of costume design is that she intends to perform with more urgency since this would be of help to complement her cosplay hobby.

Essay 2

Since practically the beginning of video games and its massification, it has been believed that games involving weapons, death, blood, etc., are factors that can influence children to develop violent behaviors. This has been a reason why many mothers decided to choose not to let their children play this type of games at least in early childhood. But the social pressure is always greater and they end up buying the most popular consoles and videogames in the market, which turn out to be the topic that encompasses violence. A genre of video games well known and common among minors happen to be shooting games or shooters, which generally consist of a campaign with a history that leads to many bullets and murders. There are also fighting games with famous titles like street fighter and mortal kombat.

US President Donald Trump insists that these violent games are behind the killings in schools in his country, however there are several investigations in this regard that belie their point.  Frankly, video games are not a problem, "explains Christopher Ferguson. Doctor in Clinical Psychology and professor at the University of Stetson (Florida) is one of the world's leading experts in the impact of violence in video games and the media in the real world. A in fact, a hypothesis says that the video games keep these people inside their homes, which makes it more improbable that they can be on the street committing violent acts. This has also been shown with violent movies and television series. In short, when movies, TV series or violent video games come onto the market, the data show a fall in violent crime (Ollero, 2018)

In spite of all the aforementioned, it is also known that in order to improve the experience of children with videogames, limits must be placed on schedules and types of games, since although these do not directly influence behavior at the level of say that they will make children more violent, even so it is not mentally healthy for anyone to abuse this type of entertainment, besides being detrimental to the vision.
For this then the Spanish Association of Pediatrics suggests the following schedules according to different ages. The effect of violent video games on children.
-Between 0 and 2 years, it is recommended that children have no contact with this type of device. - From 2 years and up to 4, it is best to spend a maximum of one hour throughout the day.                   -As they grow, they can increase their time, but it should never be longer than 2 hours a day, in order to encourage sports and physical activity (Mason, 2018).
In second place and as it was mentioned before, it is also necessary for parents to pay attention to the type of games that their children play since there are age ranges for them, for this The effect of violent video games on children. “In the market there is the so-called classification system of the ERSB (Entertainment Software Rating Board), the body in charge of assigning the recommended age of use based on the content of the game in particular” (Mason, 2018).

Finally we can conclude that although violent video games will not determine the behavior of the children who play them, even so we must place limits on the time played and the type of game. For this, education is necessary for both parents and children


Monday, December 3, 2018

Essay 1

Harajuku style increasingly globalized

The Harajuku style was born in Japan in the 1990s but it started to become more popular from the year 2000 onwards. Harajuku is an area of ​​Tokyo known for being one of the most popular shopping places in the city, being also a meeting point for many young people who meet on Sunday to show their unique fashion styles.

As for clothing, it consists of mixing all the colors and accessories you want, from traditional Japanese clothes like kimonos to dark and simple clothes with many accessories. Due to the type of clothing it turns out to be very extravagant for anyone who does not know the style, it is known that many of these young people have suffered discrimination, but this does not stop them since for them it is a form of artistic expression.
At the moment this style has globalized to the whole world, in the rest of the countries as in Latin America there are events of modeling of clothes and harajuku style. Many young people try to imitate the adorable wardrobe but not as elaborately as they do in Japan. Many times the type of dress is also accompanied by a musical style known as visual kei with a group that debuted for the years 2008 and 2009 as an cafe.
 There are many variations in the style of Harajuku at the time of choosing the dress, are for example the lolitas that use the dresses of Victorian style, the decoration that overload their attire with many striking accessories, the ganguro that try to imitate the Californian style, between others.

Although it is not a completely known style, it is always good to know something about other cultures, especially if they are in a period of globalization, when we become cultured and learn about it we also give way to tolerance and to the different forms of art and expression

Monday, November 26, 2018


This report includes his status in the psychiatric hospital of Pau, located in southwestern France. This hospital is known because in 2004, two nurses were found in the place killed, one beheaded and the other stabbed.

Despite this dark past, it is known to be a place chosen by interns for having good infrastructure and all the necessary tools to work, as well as excellent doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. My job was to be the assistant of one of the psychologists and be part of their sessions with some patients. All the patients that I had to observe the first 5 weeks were hospitalized patients with serious mental disorders or cerebral organic pictures in treatment. And at the end of each week I had to submit a report with the observations I made in the sessions with patients. The daily work days were 6 hours.

I did the observer work for 5 weeks, and the last week I was able to interact with a patient, we had only 2 sessions and the rest were directed by my supervising teacher. In these 2 sessions I was able to apply all my knowledge of psychology, especially in the area of clinical psychology. I was supervised by a hospital psychologist all the time and that gave me a lot of security to be able to do my therapies, since I felt accompanied and supported.

This experience allowed me to know much better clinical therapies, besides being able to learn to work in collaboration with other specialists such as psychiatrists, neurologists, doctors, nurses, etc.
I would recommend all my colleagues who want to specialize in the area and have a profitable practice to participate in psychiatric internships Pau.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Introduction 2

The conflict in Chile and Bolivia in the Haya goes back to a historical event that occurred many years ago, in the War of the Pacific, an armed conflict between Chile, Peru and Bolivia. The war begins with the business of salty residue and others economy problems. After many battles, the war in which Chile seizes Bolivian territory, leaving it without access to the sea, is considered to be over. Until the moment the conflict seemed solved since the territory was won by Chile justly and after several treatise it is stipulated that the lands belong to Chile

The problem begins today when President Evo Morales repeatedly demands Chile to go out to sea. This has been discussed in some governments but so far it has never been granted. After the time and having no answer, Evo Morales decides to take the case to The Haya in order to reach an agreement that guarantees Bolivia a sovereign exit to the Pacific Ocean.

Proposed solution
Finally today the resolution of the Haya is that Bolivia does not gather the arguments or sufficient background to claim maritime sovereignty in Chilean territory. With this the trial is terminated and the conflict for now also. Personally I think that it was not necessary, because the treatises should respect. Also I think that Evo Morales confused justice with resentment

Monday, September 24, 2018


From: Piera
To: Stephanie
Subject: My friend Javiera

Hi Stephanie:

I tell you about Javiera.. She's 20, and she's studing psychology with me.
She is a person quite introvert and quite extrovert, because she is a neutral girl. She has many friends but does not like to leave her house to be with them. She is quite edgy.

She has a very beautiful and funny laugh, but she laughs at all times, although this sad or angry.
The time that she's in the university she' is very responsable. Finish all her subject with good qualifications.

She like the anime and the japanese music. In her bedroom have very much mangas and comics. Sometimes see series in netflix, for example Friends, The end of the fucking world and Nanatsu no taizai.

I like all of she, is the most perfect girl in the world.


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Post 1: Resume

As an undergraduate student of Psychology at the University of Chile, I have developed a lot of interest in Ethology, since the study of animals in their natural environments, in a situation of freedom or in laboratory conditions has fascinated me since I had the opportunity to work with the Professor Martial Beltrami.
I am studying my fourth semester of studies, and until now I have been able to be an assistant in the field of psychobiology twice and I have been deeply interested in experimental psychology.
In addition to this presentation, I am currently working with my tutor Juan Amaro in an investigation regarding the behavior of animals and their distinctive behavioral characteristics within specific groups.
For three semesters I am analyzing the behavior of papiones in the zoo of santiago. I have noticed very important findings that I have reported to my tutor and professor.
I intend to deepen this research considering samples of more zoos in the country.
In addition to all this I can include this research all my knowledge acquired so far from branches such as Statistics one and two, basic learning processes and neurophysiology.
I feel very committed to this topic and I hope you will consider me for the scholarship to which I am applying